Thursday, February 11, 2010

Moshi Voice Controlled Talking Alarm Clock

Buy Cheap Moshi Voice Controlled Talking Alarm Clock

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Sure, there are other talking clocks out there. The Moshi Voice Control (VC) Alarm Clock, however, is not a talking clock. The Moshi VC Alarm Clock is the first 'listening clock' that allows you set the time and alarm by your voice alone.

With the Moshi Voice Control (VC) Alarm Clock, you can ask for the time while getting ready in the bathroom, set the alarm or turn off the alarm without moving from the comfort of bed, and know the current temperature all the way from the closet. No more small buttons and no more impossible programming. Just speak, and Moshi listens. We believe that you should be able to control your electronics and not the other way around. With the Moshi VC Alarm Clock, you are in complete control by using our voice activated commands. Simply activate Moshi by saying, Hello Moshi. Moshi will then politely respond with Command Please and then choose any of the 12 voice activated commands listed below.

Voice Activated Commands

Time - Tells you the current time

Set Time - Set time by voice

Alarm - Tells you time alarm is set

Set Alarm - Set alarm by voice

Alarm Sound - Choose 1 of 3 available alarms

Turn off the Alarm - Turns off alarm; gives current time, date, & temperature

Sleep Sound - Choose 1 of 3 available sleep sounds

Play Sleep Sound - Plays 5 minutes of sleep sound

Today's Date - Tells you today's date

Temperature - Tells you current temperature

Night Light - Turns on night light

Help - Offers a help menu of assistance


Recognized by the World Blind Union

No programming, No installation

Voice Activated Snooze

3 Alarm Sounds

3 Sleep Sounds


Night Light (Single/Multi)

Volume Control

7.5" x 3.25" x 4.5"

AC/DC (3 AAA batteries for backup power, not included)

Technical Details

- 3 different talking alarm clock sounds available - chime, chirp or bell
- Clock will play a sleep sound of your choice for 5 minutes (water, birds or waterfall)
- Night light
- Announces the time, date, alarm and temperature
- Operates on AC/DC power or 3 AAA batteries (not included)
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Our Moshi may soon get a taste of wall...." 2010-02-03
By Bianca (Bellingham, WA)
Cripes.... I bought this clock for my BF because he is obsessive about triple and quadruple checking his alarm set (drives me NUTS).. so a clock you could talk to and that actually SAYS the time to you seemed perfect. And it was... at first. Look, this product is a fantastic idea but it really, really, really needs to go back to the drawing board.

1. The touch sensitivity of this thing is iffy, at best. Sometimes it will say the desired "Command Please" so that you can go about your business of setting the clock, but all too often it squawks (quite loudly) the date, time, and temperature at you instead. Then you sigh and try again... often several more times. Sure, you can say "Hello Moshi".... but sometimes you don't feel like saying "Hello" to an inanimate object and just want the touch feature to frigging work!

2. The clock is not illuminated unless you turn on the "nightlight". Yea... that light is as subtle as a brick in the face. I am someone that NEEDS a light on at night and I cannot sleep with the Moshi light on. So someone suggested to just "turn it around"... yea well, that defeats the purpose doesn't it? Still can't see the clock. And believe me you DON'T want that clock talking to you in the wee hours of the night. Which leads me directly to....

3. This thing is frigging LOUD. Fantastically loud. The voice is cool and fun at first because, hey, you have a talking alarm clock! How cool is that?! It isn't. The thing practically shouts at you in a decidedly UNsoothing voice. You'd think they would have taken it down a couple of notches and had a Buddhist monk do the voice in a kind and soothing manner. Instead they get a slightly impatient sounding woman to shout things. All right, that's a bit of an exaggeration... but it IS loud.

4. Don't get me started on the alarm sounds. The are all precisely programmed to infuriate. Sure, all alarm clocks suck because they are doing a job you don't want them to do... wake you up. However, the Moshi somehow makes me angry when it goes off in the morning no matter which alarm sound we choose (there are three of them). To add insult to injury, when you smack the clock to make it snooze it actually says (in its shouty voice) "SNOOZE TIME SET FOR 9 MINUTES!" Well, that just about ruins my snooze time doesn't it? You can do this three times before it deigns to actually turn the alarm off. I guess for those of you trying to drop your snooze habit this might be good. I, for one, LIKE my snooze habit!

5. You actually have to slide a tiny button on the back to disable the alarm... if you forget to do this and go to bed on a Friday night with plans to sleep in... guess what? Your alarm is still set and will proceed to shout at you in the morning. Of course, the alternative to that is forgetting to slide the button on Sunday night... oh, you can still talk to the bloody thing and set your alarm but if the button isn't in the correct position..well... you're late for work on Monday.

In short, this thing is beyond annoying when it does what you want it to and when it glitches out you'll want to take it out into a field and smash it with a bat.

This morning my boyfriend looked at me and said, "Honey, I love you. But I HATE this alarm clock!". Meaning, he felt bad because it was a present from me. I gave him permission to terminate Moshi.

We are both relieved.

Customer Buzz
 "Keep looking" 2010-02-01
By metzmedia
There are a few major problems with the clock.

* Time display is not visible at night unless you tap the screen (which has Moshi yell at you in the middle of the night). Or you can activate the night light mode which is too bright to sleep to.

* The lowest voice volume setting is too loud. When voice activation setting on, it yells "command please". So I don't usually check the time in the middle of the night.

* The snooze mode, I like to hit the snooze bar and with this clock you only get to hit the snooze three time (9 min. per activation). You have to hit the digital display to activate the snooze just right, which is hard to do with one eye open. Once you used up your three snooze credits, Moshi announces that you have no more snooze left. and your late for work.

* There is only one alarm setting (no weekends), so if you turn it off to sleep late on saturday and Sunday. You have to reset it for monday.

Customer Buzz
 "JLO" 2010-02-01
By John L. Ouellet (Mauston, Wisconsin USA)
The clock worked Ok the first two weeks and it performed well according to its features.After two weeks, the alarm clock could not be turned off and when you activate the night light it stays on for 30 seconds and than goes off.

The alarm clock itself stinks!If you have ears like a bat you might wake up to the alarm sound, otherwise you will

not wake up! I still have the clock- because I got rid of the box the second day after receiving it!

My recommendation-it looks nice-but if you want a clock that will wake you up, this is not the product for you. The clock also is not reliable! My rating 1 star!

Customer Buzz
 "Great idea...I like it better than my husband" 2010-01-16
By D. L. D (Newport Beach, CA United States)
First let me say I bought this as a gift for my husband who hates to fiddle with small buttons to set the alarm. I figured a clock that he could talk to would be great. Out of the box everyone, including my husband and especially the kids LOVED it. "Hello Moshi!!" was the new catch phrase at our house. Pretty easy to set although there was a time or two when it misunderstood the time that was said. This is what my husband hates....without the night light night you can't read the clock. Night light either is solid blue or rotating through several colors. White would be a nice alternative. It doesn't bother me as the clock isn't on my side of the bed but my husband finds it to be a bit too bright and the rotating colors kept him up so we set it to blue. We have oversized furniture so like another reviewer said...if it is at eye level or higher the numbers are hard to read - had to prop the one side up to get a better angle. Secondly, although there is a volume control, setting it to low still seems WAY TOO LOUD in the quite of the night or early morning. We are a family that gets up naturally without an alarm but wanted one for those rare occations when we need to get up earlier than usual. Me trying to wisper "hello Moshi" so it can hear me, having it respond with a loud "Command Please" and having to hope it understands me saying "shut alarm off" wakes up everyone including my three kids across the hall!!! Finding we have to fiddle with the little alarm button on the back to shut off the alarm as it doesn't understand the voice command. Bottom line....a fun gadget but we will using it as a fun clock in another room of the house rather than a bedroom alarm.

Customer Buzz
 "Not ready for primetime" 2009-12-15
By Superstar Reviewer (Charlottesville,VA)
This is a great idea that got rushed out for Christmas with too little thought. I wanted an alarm that I could interact with without getting out of bed and trying to see labels in the dark. The design of Moshi is really great provided he sits on a nightstand below the bed, otherwise if he is above you or level, he is hard to read.

Most of the good things about Moshi are obvious and there are plenty of good things. I'm only listing the bad things. Use your imagination.

Bad Things:

Moshi has trouble understanding numbers. Makes for a frustrating time setting the alarm.

Moshi has a lot of trouble turning off the alarm. He loves to snooze, but getting the alarm to go off for the day using voice commands before having any coffee makes me want to toss moshi into the toilet bowl.

Moshi goes rogue like Sarah Palin. Thats why he has a reset button. Sarah?

Moshi's alarm is not settable by day. Thus Moshi will wake you up at 7:45 on Saturday and Sunday. Why the alarm comes on automatically is not explained in the 'manual'.

Seriously, you need to buy one of these and actually use it to learn how poorly thought out this clock is. It seems like such a good idea until it gets in a mode where it won't shut up, or it wakes you up early when you didn't set the alarm and then it won't shut up until you are so awake you can't go back to sleep.

I have a video where I say 'Hello Moshi' three times and it just sits there, and then my 3 year old son says 'Want Milky' and Moshi says 'Command Please', but I am not going to put it up. Take my word for it.

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Buy Moshi Voice Controlled Talking Alarm Clock Now

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