Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunrise Dawn Sun Simulator Alarm Clock

Buy Cheap Sunrise Dawn Sun Simulator Alarm Clock

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"Sunrise Dawn Sun Simulator Alarm Clock System Model SRS100US The Sunrise System SRS100 Dawn Simulator uses the latest technology to create a natural way to awaken. Just plug your own bedside lamp into the Sunrise System, choose the settings to suit your lifestyle and your lamp will imitate sunrise and sunset.  The lamp mimics a morning sunrise and it will reach full brightness at the alarm wake up time you have chosen.  You can choose to wake up to the gradually brightening light or also set the alarm sounder which gradually increases in volume to wake you gently and naturally.  Sunrise and sunset times are programmable by the user and can be set between 15 and 90 minutes."

Technical Details

- The Sunrise System SRS100 Dawn Simulator uses the latest technology to create a natural way to awaken
- Just plug your own bedside lamp into the Sunrise System, choose the settings to suit your lifestyle
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "broken on the first week" 2010-02-06
By seasaint7 (NJ)
I was optimistic about this product. When it arrived, I really liked the compact size, design, and dawn simulation. But I barely had it for a week when the time-setting button on top ceased to respond, rendering it nearly inoperable. I had to return it.

Customer Buzz
 "LOVE IT!" 2010-01-30
By Tina (Graham, WA)
I absolutely love this alarm clock. It's a very peaceful feeling to awake to the natural light. I had been looking for a natural light alarm for quite some time. The quality is great and it was simple to set up.

Customer Buzz
 "Great tool!" 2009-11-30
By M. Conforti (Long Island, NY United States)
This works very well and consistently. The option also to use it as a security device (ie, turning on/off at random times) is a real bonus. Recommended.

Customer Buzz
 "Wonderful product!" 2009-09-03
By Landenberg Lady (Southeastern PA)
I love this product!

I have had two sunrise lamps; both have died when their plastic buttons gave out after 4-5 years of use. I decided to replace that bulky lamp with this product, which uses a regular lamp (I can determine the wattage and have a prettier lamp!), takes up very little bedside table space and costs about 20% less.

This is a far better product than the all-in-one sunrise lamp. I appreciate that the backlight can be turned off completely on this unit. The clock has all the features I loved in the bulky lamps: I can vary the time for sunrise and sunset and it includes a security setting for when I am away. Turning on and off the lamp also is far easier with this unit than with the all-in-ones.

The only flaw in this clock is in the design of its cords/plugs. The clock was designed in the UK, where large cords are the norm and every plug is grounded. The wires on this are way too big, the plug is three-prong and the weight of the wire and can make the unit somewhat unsteady on a table top. I have mine on the edge of the bedside table, which is perfect for me, allows the wires to hang over and keeps the unit very stable. I am happy to live with this minor drawback -- this is a wonderful product and I am delighted to have found it!

Customer Buzz
 "Wish I bought it sooner" 2008-12-05
By AK (Seattle, WA USA)
Fantastic product - the description doesn't really do it justice. In addition to sunrise simulation, it also simulates sunsets, has a nightlight and reading light mode (fully adjustable dim level), security mode (random light on/off), backup alarm sound, a snooze function, and ability to set different alarm times for each day of the week. Once you get everything plugged in, you can use the snooze button to turn your lamp on/off for normal function. The only drawback, as noted by other reviewers, is that the power cord is a little short. Still works for how my table and lamp are setup but could also remedy with a small extension cord.

For more reviews, see Amazon listing by different vendor (same product, more expensive): Sunrise System Dawn Simulator Alarm Clock

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