Saturday, March 6, 2010

RCA RP5405 AM/FM Clock Radio

Buy Cheap RCA RP5405 AM/FM Clock Radio

Buy Low Price From Here Now

The RP5405 AM/FM clock radio is the perfect companion in the morning. The 0.6-inch LED, soothing green display offers a pleasant encounter when you wake in the morning. This radio features an AM/FM tuner with rotary tuning and volume dials. The programmable sleep feature will play the radio up to 2 hours before automatically turning off, allowing you to gently fall asleep to the radio. Its alarm can be programmed so that you can choose to wake-up to the buzzer or to your favorite radio station. The programmable snooze can be set to ring between 1 to 30 minutes, or by the default setting of every 9 minutes. It also features a nap function that can be set as a quick alarm for a short interval of sleep without disturbing the alarm settings. You can set the nap function in 10-minute increments up to a total of 2-hours of naptime.

Technical Details

- Built in AM/FM radio for convenient listening
- Programmable snooze function
- Programmable sleep function
- Nap function
- Wake to radio or buzzer
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Time and Alarm only" 2009-05-28
By TMac (Midwest)
If all you want is to tell time and wake to an alarm this is OK, but still pricey for that.

That radio dial can not bring in any significant stations. No matter how much you minutely move it back and forth few will come in.

The Volume is the same way. Too low and it does not register. Low enough and it comes and goes and not just because of the station. Remember those old dials that crackled when you adjusted the volume? Well, you could roll them back and forth to clean the connectors of dust or what not. That worked good in the old days. Does nothing for this. Every time I touch the dial is just crackles and does it half the time when just listening.

I will put it in my camper. That is about all it is good for.

Oh. It is too bright. Why is this always the complaint?

Now I am looking for a weather alert, CD, dual+ Alarm, WITH a NAP function. Choices are so limited as few rarely even indicate if they have nap functions!

Customer Buzz
 "Battery backup time not even close to accurate" 2009-04-05
By John (Flyover Country)
I bought this as a last minute travel item for a destination where the power is notoriously unreliable. I also bought a brand name (think: drum-playing bunny) 9V alkaline battery. After the first power outage, I thought the clock was running fast coming back to AC. By the second power outage, I was sure of it.

Back home I tried different combinations of AC power and batteries; the AC operation was rock solid but the clock gained time at a ratio of approximately 45 minutes for every 24 hours run on backup batteries. Personally, I'd rather have clock that blinks "12:00" after a power outage than one that deceptively displays the wrong time.

If you buy the RCA RP5405 AM/FM Clock Radio, test how well it keeps time on battery backup before the return period runs out.

I gave this two stars because it is a decent clock radio when using 120VAC.

Customer Buzz
 "This does NOT have adjustable snooze time - product description is wrong!" 2009-03-23
By Plato (Suburban Philly, PA United States)
I asked for this clock for christmas because I wanted a clock with an adjustable snooze time. This isn't it. Amazon's product description is wrong - once I got the clock and set it up, I couldn't find anything in the manual about the adjustable snooze, so I checked on RCA's website and this clock does not have that feature.

I returned the clock and told amazon about the product description being wrong back in January, but lo and behold, here it is almost April and they haven't fixed it yet. I'm sure this is a fine clock that works well and you can't beat the price, but if you are looking for the adjustable snooze, you won't find it here.

Customer Buzz
 "A Bargain" 2009-01-14
By alooknac (Montana)
I bought this for under $10 and free shipping. It works well. One feature it has that my last one did not is that you can push a button to turn off the alarm but it will still be set for the next day. Of course you can also turn the alarm completely off. It's a loud obnoxious alarm which is what I want. I have another quiet alarm that goes off first and normally wakes me up. This is my backup alarm.

It has 9-volt battery backup. I don't believe the snooze length is adjustable; that's not a feature I use.

The radio is very Mickey Mouse--it has a tiny round dial to turn to tune in stations, similar to the tiny dials on transistor radios we had in the "old days." But I was able to tune a local station in. Obviously this is not a unit you would be buying for high fidelity sound.

It is easy to set and you will not accidentally change the time while groping for the snooze button or dusting, as happens sometimes on another older model we have. I can read the time in the dark and in a lighted room.

Customer Buzz
 "Not as described" 2008-11-29
By Michele (Roanoke, IL USA)
I purchased this to replace my GE alarm with an adjustable snooze time. This was advertised as having that feature. I cannot get it to work. I didn't return it only because I needed an alarm and didn't have time to go and shop for one and this one was only $5.00+ when I bought it. I will keep an eye out for a different one with an adjustable snooze button. The alarm is loud and it does get you up. The radio works well.

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Buy RCA RP5405 AM/FM Clock Radio Now

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