Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Emerson SmartSet Dual Alarm Clock Radio CKS1850

Buy Cheap Emerson SmartSet Dual Alarm Clock Radio CKS1850

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Customer Buzz
 "piece of junk" 2009-08-14
By ML (va, usa)
seemed to be fine - in fact we liked it so much we bought another similar model as a gift.. but now almost 2 years later - it has begun failing bit by bit... first we couldn't change the alarm time - button wouldn't work - then it went off by itself on a saturday (weekends were off)... now a few months after that - 4-5 buttons have no effect.. nada - dont work...

its a piece of junk... i have never had an alarm die so fast -- i still have alarm clocks from HIGH SCHOOL (so 20 plus years old.) that work fine. it isn't rocket science. i checked emerson radios website for warranty repair (to see if i could contact customer service) - there is no email for customer service, only a phone # - and a note stating to return to an address after getting return auth from customer service - and to include NINE dollars for repair (nice warranty) -- the clock itself was around 20.00 - so charging 1/2 of that to get it repaired (in warranty -- cause it doesn't differentiate between in and out of warranty customers) is pretty ridiculous.. especially since us postal flat rate for this item would be around 5.00...

Customer Buzz
 "Smartset CKS1850" 2009-03-11
By G. Eaton (Redford, Mi.)
Great clock. Auto set feature couldn`t be any eaiser, just plug it in. For a small night table radio the sound is clear and enjoyable. However, DO NOT expect this unit to automatically adjust to the new daylight savings time schedule. Website is no help either.

Customer Buzz
 "Works perfectly for me" 2009-01-14
By Renee Tyson
I've had this clock for several years and bought it after a great deal of research and a good prior experience with a similar model Emerson clock. I cannot live without a dual alarm and this one functions great. The "smartset" feature has also worked flawlessly and kept perfect time. Love it.

Customer Buzz
 "NOT an atomic clock" 2008-06-20
By Rodney Beede
Don't let the "SmartSet" fool you. This is not an atomic clock nor does it set itself via radio waves to a precise time.

This is simply an alarm clock with a backup lithim CR2430 battery. When the AC power goes out the regular battery keeps running, but the display is shutoff.

When power comes back on all the clock is really doing is using the same time that the backup battery kept. So the fancy display you see when plugging it in is just the stored memory time coming back.

They set the correct time at the factory before shipping. So brand new the clock is set.

When my 3V battery died I had to go to 2 different stores (Walmart first, then finally Radioshack) to get a $5 replacement battery. I've had the clock for only 6 months.

Upon installing the new battery and plugging the clock in it did NOT set itself automatically. Instead it simply went to Jan 1, 2005. I had to manually set the date and time.

I believe their other "SmartSet" clocks are the same. If the battery ever dies and you lose AC power the clock loses its time setting and you have to MANUALLY set it.

Customer Buzz
 "Good Luck finding a battery" 2006-12-18
By Robert Simmons
I have owned my little gem for a few months now and all of a sudden, the little red light is lit telling me that my battery is low. I took it to a dozen stores and have not been able to find a replacement 3 volt button cell for this unit. The radio reception is fair for FM and just forget about trying it on AM. I sent an email to Emerson to see what they have to say. Put your money in a Sony.

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Buy Emerson SmartSet Dual Alarm Clock Radio CKS1850 Now

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